(1) 大型海藻生态系统碳循环过程与固碳增汇潜力;
(2) 大型海藻生长及凋落分解过程碳的源汇效应;
(3) 大型海藻对近海环境污染的修复;
(4) 大型海藻凋落分解的生态效应与二次污染风险评估;
(5) 大型海藻蓝碳资源保护与利用。
1) 国家重点研发计划,南海海洋牧场构建与生态农牧化开发新模式(2022YFD2401300),课题二“海洋牧场多元栖息生境立体营造关键设施与技术”(2022YFD2401302),任务负责人,在研。
2) 海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,马尾藻暴发的生消过程对鱼类群落及其生境的影响(322QN257),主持,在研。
3) 海南省高校研究项目重点项目,海南岛近海马尾藻暴发对底栖生境动态变化的影响(Hnky2022ZD-2),主持,在研。
4) 热带亚热带水生态工程教育部工程研究中心开放课题,大型海藻凋落物腐烂分解特征及重金属释放规律研究(2022A0301),主持,在研。
5) 海南大学科研启动基金项目,马尾藻暴发与消亡过程对海洋环境和生物的影响(KYQD(ZR)-21131),主持,在研。
6) 中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助项目,大型海藻龙须菜生长和脱落过程中重金属Cd和Pb富集与释放机制研究(2020M673068),主持,结题。
1) Luo Hongtian, Fu Yuzhong, Shi Jian, Xie Songguang⁎, Yang Yufeng⁎. Carbon sink potential and environmental benefits of seaweed: A case study of the seaweed cultivation industry on China coast. Aquaculture, 2023, 572: 739494.
2) Luo Hongtian, Dai Xiaojuan, Wang Qing, Yang Yufeng⁎, Xie Songguang⁎. The accumulation and release characteristics of heavy metals on the cultivation environment in Gracilaria litters during decay process. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 879: 163091.
3) Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng⁎, Xie Songguang⁎. The ecological effect of large-scale coastal natural and cultivated seaweed litter decay processes: An overview and perspective☆. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 341: 118091.
4) Luo Hongtian, Xie Songguang, Dai Xiaojuan, Wang Qing*,Yang Yufeng*. Biomass decomposition and heavy metal release from seaweed litter, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, and secondary pollution evaluation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 310: 114729.
5) Luo Hongtian#, Dai Xiaojuan#, Xie Songguang*, Yang Yufeng*. The evaluation of C, N, P release and contribution to the water environment during Gracilaria litters biomass decay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022, 276, 108052.
6) Luo Hongtian, Xie Songguang*,Yang Yufeng*. Potential removal capacity and secondary pollution risk evaluation of heavy metals in Gracilaria lemaneiformis from a typical seaweed farming base. Algal Research, 2022, 65: 102749.
7) Luo Hongtian, Wang Qing, Zhang Chengwu, Zhang Li*, Yang Yufeng*. Bioaccumulation and release of heavy metals during growth and decomposition of cultivated Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 173: 113130.
8) Luo Hongtian, Wang Qing*, Liu Zhiwei, Wang Shuangyao, Long Aimin, Yang Yufeng*. Potential bioremediation effects of seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis on heavy metals in coastal sediment from a typical mariculture zone. Chemosphere, 2020, 245: 125636.
9) Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng*, Wang Qing*, Wu Yongjie, He Zhili, Yu Wenbo. Protection of Siganus oramin, rabbitfish, from heavy metal toxicity by the selenium-enriched seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 206: 111183.
10) Luo Hongtian, Wang Qing, He Zhili, Wu Yuhui, Long Aimin*, Yang Yufeng*. Protection of dietary selenium-enriched seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis against cadmium toxicity to abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 171: 398-405.
11) Luo Hongtian, Wang Qing, Nie Xiangping, Ren Hui, Shen Zhuo, Xie Xinfei, Yang Yufeng*. Heavy metal contamination in the cultivated oyster Crassostrea rivularis and associated health risks from a typical mariculture zone in the South China Sea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018, 101: 33-41.
12) 罗洪添, 王庆, 沈卓, 杨宇峰*. 南澳海域龙须菜和篮子鱼重金属含量及食用安全分析. 海洋环境科学, 2018, 37(3): 362-368.
13) 罗洪添, 王庆, 田恬, 杨宇峰*. 盐度和低温冷藏对桡足类休眠卵萌发的影响. 生态学杂志, 2016, 35(4): 1026-1030.
14) 杨宇峰*, 罗洪添, 王庆, 贺志理, 龙爱民. 大型海藻规模栽培是增加海洋碳汇和解决近海环境问题的有效途径. 中国科学院院刊, 2021, 36(3): 241-251.
15) Sun Xian, Zhong Yu, Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng*. Selenium-containing polysaccharide-protein complex in Se-enriched Ulva fasciata induces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in A549 human lung cancer cells. Marine Drugs, 2017, 15: 215.
16) Sun Xian, Liang Diwen, Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng*. Effects of selenium supplementation on the antioxidation response in the rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis). Aquaculture Nutrition, 2020, 26: 1636-1646.
17) Sun Xian, Cui YZ, Wang Qing, Tang SQ, Cao X, Luo Hongtian, He Zhili, Hu Xiaonong, Nie Xiangping, Yang Yufeng*, Wang T. Proteogenomic analyses revealed favorable metabolism pattern alterations in rotifer Brachionus plicatilis fed with Selenium-rich Chlorella. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 6699-6707.
18) Wu Yongjie, Xiao FS, Wang C, Shu LF, Zheng XF, Xu K, Yu XL, Zhang KK, Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. The Beta-Diversity of Siganus fuscescens-Associated Microbial Communities From Different Habitats Increases With Body Weight. Frontiers in microbiology, 2020, 11: 1562.
19) Su Erxin, Wu Yongjie, Chen Pubo, Yu Huang, Liu Shengwei, Luo Hongtian, Yang Yufeng, Wang Cheng, Shu Longfei, Wu Bo, He Zhili, Yan Qingyun*. Dietary selenium regulates the diversity and stability of microbial communities in stomach and intestine of rabbitfish (Siganus oramin). Aquaculture, 2023, 563:738979.
20) 刘之威, 罗洪添, 武宇辉, 任辉, 杨宇峰*. 汕头南澳龙须菜规模栽培对水质和浮游植物的影响. 中国水产科学, 2019, 26: 99-107.
21) 戴晓娟, 胡韧, 罗洪添, 王庆, 胡晓娟, 白敏冬, 杨宇峰*. 大型海藻龙须菜凋落物分解对水质的影响. 热带海洋学报, 2021, 40: 91-98.
22) 汤长宽, 杨宇峰, 罗洪添, 王庆*. 常德柳叶湖及其连通水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构与水环境特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 2019.
23) 田恬, 王庆, 罗洪添, 杨宇峰*. 池塘桡足类休眠卵对浮游种群的潜在补充及其影响因素.应用生态学报, 2016, 27: 2009-2014.
24) 龙艾虹, 梁迪文, 罗洪添, 杨宇峰, 王庆*. 大型海藻龙须菜抽提液对褶皱臂尾轮虫生命表参数的影响. 生态学报, 2019, 07: 2583-2590.
25) 刘陈, 魏南, 王庆, 刘之威, 罗洪添, 杨宇峰*. 广东汕头南澳岛近岸海域浮游植物群落结构与环境特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 2019, 25: 1-13.